Sprouted Ragi, also known as sprouted finger millet, is a superfood made by germinating Ragi grains. The sprouting process activates enzymes that enhance the nutritional profile of the grains, increasing their digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients. This nutrient-rich food is a staple in Indian diets and is known for its versatility and health benefits.
Millet Store’s Sprouted Ragi is carefully prepared using traditional methods—cleaned, sprouted, dried in shade, and ground fresh to ensure maximum nutritional value and flavor.
Sprouted Ragi is naturally gluten-free, rich in calcium, iron, fiber, and essential amino acids, making it an excellent choice for children, adults, and seniors alike.
Choose Millet Store’s Sprouted Ragi Flour for fresh, chemical-free, and nutrient-rich flour that’s perfect for your family’s health.